Sports Premium
Physical education (PE), physical activity (PA) and sport are the cornerstones of our whole school approach to promoting health and wellbeing. This helps ensure that our children are happy, healthy, confident and determined. We firmly believe that all children should access high quality, diverse and positive early experiences of being physically active so that they are encouraged and inspired to remain active throughout their lives.
Sports Premium Funding
We use our sports premium funding each year to improve our provision for children to be active and access high quality PE lessons. Here is how we have spent our sports premium funding during the last academic year.
Physical Education (PE)
PE lessons at Malton Primary Academy support our children in striving to become healthy, social and active learners as well as providing the platform from which physical skills, activity levels and general fitness can be nurtured. Our curriculum allows children to acquire knowledge of how the body works and how to make healthy choices. PE lessons are delivered on a weekly basis by all class teachers.
Children access 90-120 minutes of PE per week in addition to the extensive range of additional daily physical activity opportunities that we provide. Teachers are supported to deliver lessons and assess performance by ongoing professional development from PE specialists.
EYFS children (Nursery & Reception) work towards achieving their early learning goals in physical development, moving and handling. Through areas of outdoor provision, children choose, create and explore different ways of moving, balancing and handling in a fun, safe environment. They also begin to learn how to interact and communicate with other children and assess risks in play. Physical development is in an ongoing and daily learning experience for children in these classes.
Key stage 1 children (Year 1 & Year 2) develop their confidence and competence to move, balance and control objects in different ways. They experience a broad range of activities to develop the skills to move, balance, kick, throw and catch with confidence. Children will develop their competence to perform these fundamental movements with control, fluency and growing levels of precision. These skills are the foundations of movement and ensure that children are able to access more complex activities later in school. Children also learn about the importance of social skills such as co-operation, respect and communication as well as exploring how physical activity makes them feel.
Key stage 2 children (Year 3 to 6) begin to apply their fundamental movements to learn more specific movement skills which are later applied to a diverse range of sporting activities. Children will access dance, gymnastics, athletics, OAA, games and swimming activities. They will refine physical skills across multiple activities and experience adapted game contexts / modified versions of competitive sports. They will learn basic rules and regulations, face problem-solving challenges, assess their peers and umpire activities.
Swimming lessons are delivered to Year 4, 5 and 6 children by qualified swimming instructors in line with national curriculum requirements. Lessons take place at Derwent Swim & Fitness Centre. OAA activities are explicitly delivered during trips to East Barnby in the North York Moors. Children also access Bikeability training each year to help keep them safe on the local roads.
Physical Activity (PA)
Here are some of the ways that we help our children move and learn each day:
• Break and lunchtime play leaders.
• An extensive range of after-school activity and sport clubs.
• Promotion of active travel using Modeshift Stars.
• Sweaty Church – regular active SMSC lessons with Revd Diggins.
All children have regular opportunities to access competitive sport in school. Each term we have a series of inter-house sport and physical activity competitions in addition to our annual sports day during the summer term. Since 2013 we also competed against other local schools as part of the Malton school sports partnership and school games events.
We have half termly house sporting competitions. So far this year we have held competitions in as dance, football, cross country and dodgeball.
All children visit the local sports centre for termly competitions against other schools which gives our children experience of wider competitive sports.
Further Information
Evidencing The Impact 2022-2023
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- Evidencing-the-Impact April 24 download_for_offline
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- Sports Premium 23-24 download_for_offline
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- Evidencing-the-Impact April 24 download_for_offline