Malton Primary Academy

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Proud to be part of

Hull Collaborative Academy Trust

School Priorities

Whole School Priorities 2024.25

Focus Priority 1 – 

Refine assessment practices to increase the effectiveness of assessment within Maths to further increase pupil’s achievement. 

Context – There have been many improvements in maths over the previous year which has seen attainment in ARE rise by 20% by the end of key stage 2. There is now the need to refine the assessment process in maths so that adaptations can be made in a timelier manner which will have a further positive impact on progress and attainment throughout the school. There also remains the ongoing need to ensure that there is complete consistency of approach throughout the school. There is now the need to further develop a wider range of assessment techniques in order to assess the impact of quality first teaching. This will ensure that we build on improvements made in the last academic year resulting in 80% of our children achieve ARE by the end of Key Stage 2. 

Focus Priority 2:   

Refine the current writing curriculum to ensure that there is the right balance between transcription and composition.


In light of the latest national writing review we will refine the current writing curriculum to ensure children are fluent in transcription and the effective composition of sentences before moving onto sustained pieces of writing. 

Focus Priority 3: 

Further enhance the implementation of the EYFS curriculum. 

Context: The EYFS is under new leadership this year and work has taken place to galvanize the EYFS into a unit. New rooms have been established for Nursery and Reception alongside a room designed for more focused teaching. Milestones are in place for core subjects and these are split into fortnightly expectations. This year will see EYFS become better skilled on their ability to assess children and move them forward in line with the termly milestones


Focus Priority 4: 

Ensure that rates of attendance for all groups at Malton are above current national percentage and at least in line with pre-Covid rates. 


Attendance figures at Malton have been above national over the last 2 years however are still below those seen pre-Covid. The school will fully introduce the new expectations around reducing unauthorised absence in order to improve attendance further. 

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